Alexander Dugin vs. The Great Reset: A Clash of Political Ideologies

The battle between global ideologies is intensifying. Alexander Dugin's book, The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset offers a unique perspective on this clash. 

The Great Reset emerged in 2020, introduced by the World Economic Forum. It calls for a complete transformation of society, economy, and education worldwide. 

However, Dugin sees this as a threat to human identity, freedom, and traditional values. In his book, he introduces the Great Awakening, a movement opposing the Great Reset’s vision. This blog post will explore Dugin's ideas, his interpretation of liberalism, and how he sees the fight against the Great Reset. 

We will delve into Dugin's philosophical foundations and understand why he calls this a "war for humanity."

What is the Great Reset?

The Great Reset was announced in 2020 by the World Economic Forum. It represents a plan to reshape society, economy, and education on a global scale. Its goal is to revamp every aspect of our lives, including working conditions, social contracts, and educational systems. The plan emphasizes that every country and industry must participate in this transformation. It envisions a future where all sectors of society are deeply interconnected and directed by shared objectives.

Supporters argue that the Great Reset will address pressing issues like inequality, climate change, and technological advancement. However, the scale of the proposed changes is vast, leaving no area untouched. Critics view it as an attempt to impose a top-down, controlled model on the entire world. The Great Reset aims for a unified, global approach, focusing on centralized solutions and widespread cooperation.

Globalism’s Role in the Great Reset

Globalism lies at the heart of the Great Reset. It seeks to strengthen globalization, especially after the recent failures of globalist movements. These failures include the anti-globalist presidency of Donald Trump, Russia and China's growing influence, and the rise of independent Islamic nations like Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. Each of these countries has distanced itself from Western dominance, challenging the globalist agenda.

For supporters of the Great Reset, these anti-globalist forces are obstacles that must be overcome. They see globalism as a path to ensure uniform policies and actions across all nations. The idea is to eliminate barriers, making it easier for countries to work together on issues like climate change, health, and economic stability. However, this approach threatens to erase national sovereignty, individuality, and cultural differences, which is a significant concern for Dugin and others who oppose this vision.

Alexander Dugin's Perspective on the Great Reset

Dugin’s Interpretation of the Great Reset

Alexander Dugin views the Great Reset as a direct attack on anti-globalist forces. He believes it aims to eliminate any resistance to globalism, whether from nations or individual leaders. According to Dugin, the globalists want to ensure that history reaches a final, unchangeable state controlled by their ideology. He argues that the Great Reset represents the continuation and strengthening of globalization, especially after setbacks from leaders like Donald Trump and the rise of multipolar powers like Russia and China.

Dugin also points out that the Great Reset encourages actions against countries rejecting globalism, such as Russia, China, and various Islamic nations. He predicted that these countries would face escalating pressure, military threats, and sanctions to force them into compliance. Dugin sees the Great Reset as an attempt to strengthen Western institutions like NATO and promote a culture against anyone opposing globalist ideas. This, he argues, is a war not just against countries but against all anti-globalist thoughts and ideologies.

The Great Awakening: A Counter-Ideology

In response to the Great Reset, Dugin presents the concept of the Great Awakening. This movement represents the fight against globalism and the desire to preserve human identity, freedom, and cultural diversity. Dugin sees the Great Awakening as a unifying force for all who oppose the Great Reset’s vision of a single, global society.

The Great Awakening emphasizes the importance of multipolarity—multiple centers of power, culture, and thought, rather than a single, global authority. It challenges the idea that one global model should dictate how all societies operate. For Dugin, this is not just a political struggle; it's a battle to protect what makes us human. He believes that opposing the Great Reset is crucial to preserving our identities, traditions, and unique ways of life.


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The Philosophical Foundations of Dugin's Argument

The Medieval Dispute and the Concept of Universals

Dugin traces the roots of the Great Reset's ideology back to a medieval philosophical debate. This debate focused on the existence of "universals," or concepts that represent common features shared by many things. Theologians split into two camps over this issue: Realists and Nominalists.

Realists believed that universals, like "humanity" or "justice," existed as real concepts beyond individual instances. In contrast, Nominalists argued that only individual things were real and that universals were just names or labels we used. For example, Nominalists would say that "humanity" doesn't exist independently; it’s simply a label we use to describe individual people.

Nominalism as the Theoretical Root of Liberalism

Dugin argues that Nominalism became the foundation for modern liberalism. By denying the existence of universals, Nominalists shifted the focus entirely to individuals. This led to the idea that only individual identities matter, while collective identities like religion, culture, or nation are irrelevant.

According to Dugin, this shift laid the groundwork for the liberal belief in individualism, where personal choices and freedoms are valued above all else. This perspective sees any form of collective identity as restrictive or oppressive. Dugin believes this thinking eventually evolved into today’s globalist ideology, which aims to eliminate all forms of collective identity and replace them with a single, unified worldview.

Liberalism's Journey and Its Current Stage

Liberalism’s Battle Against Collective Identity

Liberalism's journey began with a battle against various forms of collective identity. It sought to eliminate the influence of religion, social class, and nationalism, aiming to place individual freedom at the center of society. After defeating its ideological rivals, communism and fascism, liberalism became the dominant ideology. It declared that individuals should not be bound by collective ideas, traditions, or group identities.

However, as liberalism progressed, it encountered two new forms of collective identity: gender and humanity itself. These became the latest battlegrounds for liberalism's goal to dismantle all forms of group identity. Dugin sees this as a natural extension of Nominalism, where the focus on individualism reaches its ultimate form.

Transgenderism and Transhumanism in the Liberal Narrative

According to Dugin, the current stage of liberalism is defined by gender politics. It challenges the idea that gender is a fixed, biological reality. Instead, liberalism presents gender as a choice, something each person can define for themselves. This perspective has led to the rise of transgenderism, where individuals are encouraged to identify with any gender, regardless of biological factors.

Dugin warns that the next phase will be transhumanism. In this stage, liberalism will extend the idea of choice even further, allowing individuals to choose whether they want to remain human or become something else entirely. He believes this represents the final step in liberalism’s journey to eliminate all collective identities, even our shared humanity.

Dugin's Ideological Clash with the Great Reset

The Fight Against Globalism

Dugin frames the Great Reset as an attempt by globalists to ensure their ideology becomes the only acceptable worldview. He views this as a direct attack on any forces that oppose globalism, whether they are countries, leaders, or ordinary people. For Dugin, the Great Reset is not just a plan for economic and social change but a war against all anti-globalist forces.

He sees this fight as a battle to preserve human diversity, culture, and identity. According to Dugin, the Great Reset aims to create a single, uniform global society where differences in thought, tradition, and belief are eliminated. By doing this, globalists seek to remove any obstacles that stand in the way of their vision for a unified world.

Liberals vs. Humanity: A Global Struggle

Dugin argues that the conflict between the Great Awakening and the Great Reset is not a simple political battle. Instead, it's a global struggle between liberals who wish to impose their ideology and ordinary people who want to maintain their humanity. He claims that the Great Reset represents an attempt to transform the very nature of what it means to be human.

The Great Awakening, in contrast, represents the fight to protect human identity, culture, and freedom from this globalist vision. Dugin believes that this struggle is not limited to one country or political party; it’s a fight for all of humanity. It involves ordinary people who wish to keep their traditions, values, and ways of life intact against an ideology that seeks to erase them.

Multipolarity and the Vision of the Great Awakening

What is Multipolarity According to Dugin?

Dugin introduces the concept of multipolarity as a core element of the Great Awakening. Multipolarity means a world with multiple centers of power, influence, and culture. It opposes the idea of a unipolar world, where one ideology or nation dominates all others. Dugin argues that multipolarity is essential for preserving diversity in thought, culture, and ways of life.

In a multipolar world, different countries and cultures can coexist, each with its unique identity and values. This vision contrasts sharply with the Great Reset, which seeks to establish a single, global model. Dugin believes that embracing multipolarity allows nations to resist the pressure to conform to one set of ideals or practices.

The People's Struggle Against Globalist Elites

Dugin frames the Great Awakening as a battle between ordinary people and the globalist elites who support the Great Reset. He argues that this struggle is not about traditional political divisions like left vs. right or East vs. West. Instead, it is a fight between nations and their people against an elite class that seeks to control the world.

The Great Awakening encouraged people to defend their cultural, national, and individual identities against the forces of globalization. Dugin calls for an "internationalization of the people's struggle" to unite different countries, cultures, and movements against the globalist elites. This vision unites various groups worldwide, from American anti-globalists to Russian traditionalists, in a shared fight for humanity's future.


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The Role of Philosophy in Dugin's Great Awakening

The Rediscovery of Active Intelligence

Dugin emphasizes that philosophy plays a crucial role in the Great Awakening. He believes that true liberation from the Great Reset requires rediscovering "active intelligence," a concept rooted in ancient philosophical traditions. Active intelligence involves using reason, reflection, and deep thought to understand the world and our place within it.

For Dugin, modern liberalism has suppressed this kind of thinking, replacing it with shallow, surface-level ideas. He argues that reconnecting with the tradition of active intelligence is essential for resisting globalism. This means going beyond everyday political debates and engaging in deep philosophical exploration to find answers about humanity’s purpose and identity.

The Fourth Political Theory: Moving Forward, Not Backward

Dugin introduces his Fourth Political Theory as an alternative to liberalism, communism, and fascism. He argues that we cannot return to past ideologies to combat the Great Reset. Instead, we need a new way of thinking that combines the wisdom of ancient traditions with the realities of our modern world.

The Fourth Political Theory seeks to unite people from different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems in a shared struggle against the forces of globalism. It encourages individuals to draw inspiration from their cultural heritage, philosophical roots, and historical experiences. This theory doesn’t simply reject modernity; it offers a way to move forward by embracing the diverse traditions that make humanity unique.


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Education as the Battleground Against the Great Reset

The Liberal Penetration of Education

Dugin sees education as one of the main tools used by liberals to promote the Great Reset. He argues that globalist ideas have infiltrated schools, universities, and other educational institutions, shaping the minds of future generations. According to Dugin, this educational system aims to dismantle traditional values, cultural identities, and national pride, replacing them with globalist ideals.

He believes that by controlling education, liberals are able to spread their ideology, making it harder for individuals to resist the influence of the Great Reset. This process erodes the foundations of societies, gradually replacing unique traditions with a uniform, global mindset. Dugin warns that if left unchecked, this trend will result in the loss of cultural diversity and the rise of a single, global way of thinking.

Alternative Education Models

To counter this, Dugin proposes developing alternative education models that operate outside the influence of liberal ideologies. He suggests creating online platforms that offer courses on philosophy, culture, and history, free from globalist bias. These platforms would allow people to explore ideas rooted in their own traditions, cultures, and identities.

Dugin outlines three groups that this alternative education should target:

Philosophers: People interested in deep thinking and the exploration of different cultural philosophies.

Warriors: Individuals who are ready to fight against liberalism, not just physically but also intellectually.

Traditionalists: The majority who wish to restore traditional family values, rural life, and self-sufficient communities.

By fostering these different groups, Dugin believes a new generation can be educated to resist the Great Reset. This educational model would provide the tools to understand, challenge, and ultimately oppose the globalist narrative.


The clash between the Great Awakening and the Great Reset is more than a political struggle; it's a fight for the future of humanity. Alexander Dugin’s vision presents a world where multiple cultures, identities, and traditions can coexist without being forced into a single, global framework. In contrast, the Great Reset seeks to impose a unifying model, erasing differences and promoting a centralized vision of progress.

Dugin’s analysis calls us to recognize the dangers of losing our sense of identity, culture, and humanity. He urges us to rediscover the philosophical roots that make us unique, to resist the pressures of globalism, and to embrace the concept of multipolarity. The Great Awakening offers a chance to preserve diversity and individuality in a world increasingly threatened by uniformity.

In this battle, education, philosophy, and the willingness to defend our beliefs play crucial roles. As Dugin argues, the question is whether humanity will choose "to be or not to be." The Great Awakening stands as a rallying cry for those who want to keep their cultural heritage, freedom, and unique identity intact.

Ultimately, the outcome of this clash will shape the future of our world. Will we embrace a multipolar reality where diverse voices are heard, or will we surrender to the forces of the Great Reset? The choice lies in our hands.